In this series of paintings, artist Dick Lim explores the many facets of the female form with different techniques of transferring each onto his canvases. Some are rendered with a palette knife, while some are drawn with sweeping strokes of the brush. His drawing of the female forms translates each into sensual contours, quirky poses, or even the pre-Raphaelite curvy silhouettes.
Venue: d'Art Studio, 5 Westbourne Road #02-03 Blenheim Court Singapore 138944 (Wessex Estate, off Portsdown Rd)
Duration: 1 - 31 March 2009
Opening Hours: Mondays-Saturdays & Public Holidays: 11-6pm and 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays: 1.30-6pm (closed on 4th & 5th Sundays)
Other viewings by appointment at 64797906
Nearest MRT: Buona Vista
Free Admission